Tuesday, January 6, 2015


If I told you that I have been doing the "right" thing lately, I would be lying.  As a matter of fact, in my eyes, I have been more of a failure, if anything.  I have not kept up with a workout program consistently, I have not been eating right at all... and this has led me to lack consistency in my challenge groups.  

Maybe this would be shocking if it were my first failed attempt at accomplishing these fitness goals, but alas, it isn't.  I have been here many times.  The only difference is my bounce-back time!  Before, it typically took me over a year to realize that I needed to make a change.  This time around, it has taken me only a few months.  

Seeing my body go back to its "original form" is quite displeasing, as you can imagine.  Most would feel defeated and give up, go on making poor choices, and wallow in my poor choices.  However, I am using this feeling to drive me, to push me, to get me to where I want to be because I CAN DO IT!

A few weeks ago my team presented the opportunity at a little challenge, a bet, a friendly competition.  I am not one to turn down a competition!  The competitive nature in me LOVES that kind of stuff.  I hate to lose, but I love the drive it gives me to push and go!  We started Insanity Max 30 yesterday, and I am already in love with it.  One of the biggest reasons I love it is because of the competition with myself!  You log how long you can push through the workout without breaking form or taking an unscheduled rest, then you log the time when you need to catch your breath.  Every week for four weeks you complete the workout again (There are six 30-minute workouts for each cycle) and see if you can beat your time.   Hellooooo!!!  I get to challenge myself by trying to beat my time!?  Yes, please!!  

I am beginning this journey at 191.8 pounds as of yesterday.  That is far off from the lowest weight I have ever been (in my adult-life of course... I definitely would not want to return to 8 pounds), which was 167 pounds.  Granted, I was there for about a hiccup and a sneeze, but I still got there.  That's 24.8 lbs gained this year... WHOA BUDDY that is NOT okay!  

So now you get to witness this.  Watch me transform.  Hear my struggles, celebrate with me in my successes, and see how life changes for me as I restart my journey with Insanity Max 30.

Interested in joining me?  Not a problem.  Send me a message on Facebook.  You can also find me on Instagram - just follow @faithfulfitmama  

Here it is, folks, the moment you have all been waiting for::::  my before pictures

I am ready!!  Time to ROCK THIS challenge!

Monday, December 22, 2014

This Journey

I am not going to tell you that this journey is easy.

I won't even tell you that you will enjoy the experience...

You probably won't
At first

You'll probably have days where you want to just pig out (trust me, it happens to the best of us!).  There will be days when pushing play or heading to the gym just aren't in your lazy-day-sweatpants plans.  

It's at those time, those moment of sheer laziness, of utmost desire to crawl into bed and sleep your awful day away, that you need to push.  Push past the fatigue of your stressful day.  Push past the excuses that you are running through your mind of, "Maybe tomorrow" or "I don't have the energy."

Five minutes.  That's all it takes.  Five tiny minutes of putting your body into motion, and your mood can be changed.  Your bad day can be undone.  Your mind can be cleared.  If you only give it five minutes. 

Don't believe me?  Give it a try.  Right now.  I'll wait....

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -

Did you do it?  (I know, I know, probably not... but let's pretend).   SEE!  I told you!!  Now what was it you were so stressed out about before?  (shhh, we are pretending you did your workout.  Just go with it!).

Now, the goal is to do that a minimum of 5 times a week, for at least 30 minutes a day.  Consecutive minutes.  Don't be slick and jog in place for 30 seconds, sixty different times a day... (although, if you did, I give you massive kudos for being able to keep track of such a task).  Get your heart rate up.  Get the sweat coming.  Get your body moving!!  

The question remains:  Do you regret it?  Probably not!  As a matter of fact, I can guarantee that 95%* of the time the answer to that question will be, "NO!" (*I like that number.  95.  Probably not accurate.  It's probably much closer to 100%, but for argument sake, and to satisfy those who stubbornly want to disagree with me, I will keep it at 95 to keep the peace).  

So why am I here?  To lecture you on fitness?  Ha!  No way.  Not my job.  I'm not a nutritionist or a personal trainer.  I'm just a person who is traveling the same long road that many of you are traveling.  I'm here to help.  I'm here to push you, to encourage you, to let you know that you can do it, too!  

You are not alone in this.  You can do this.  Believe it.  Write that down somewhere and look at it every, single day.  And on those days when you feel like you can't (or simply don't want to), reach out to me.  Don't let those days take over.  Once they win once, they win always.  It's hard to fight back when our energy is at zero, but if we do it together, we stand a better chance.

I have faith in you.

Let's do this.